
The competition process

The City of Malmö works for a transparent and open, representative, and inclusive process where as many as possible in the industry get the opportunity to participate. The aim is always for holistic and sustainable long-term solutions.

Our purpose with architectural competitions

  • To ensure both sufficient ambition and deliverability.
  • To study, improve, compare and assess multiple approaches to find the best response to a project’s expectations. The choice of path, opportunities and consequences are to be clearly raised and discussed.
  • To work for an open and inclusive process.
  • To find the best suited architect or team for the task and continued process.

The result should reflect the basic direction, ambition and agreement between applicants and the City of Malmö. It should run as a common thread through the whole planning and building permit process.

How the process works

Preparations by the organizer

The commission is defined and a timeline is established. A process leader is appointed and an assessment jury/group is assembled. Criteria for participation, the brief and invitation are outlined and approved by the assessment jury/group.

Invitation and prequalification

Invitations and the brief are sent out via different channels and networks. The invitation contains requirements for qualification, selection criteria, the timeline and where relevant details of any honorarium. After the application window has closed, the assessment jury/group evaluates expressions of interest and shortlists participants for the next stage.

Selected participants work on the task

For a competition the shortlisted participants will be notified, after which the development and submission of proposals is made anonymously. Anonymity is only broken once the jury has selected the winning proposal. However, during a parallel commission the participants meet at a minimum of one start up meeting and a final presentation.

Incoming suggestions and conclusion

After the final submission for a competition, the jury will begin its work to select a winner. The equivalent is done after the final presentation during a parallel commission. The difference with a parallel commission is that the assessment jury/group’s task is first and foremost to analyse and assess opportunities and challenges, and to highlight important questions and decisions for future work. If the organiser is a private operator, they can declare one proposal to be of extra interest and choose to continue working with the team who put it forward.
