Malmö School Restaurants – more than just a meal
A hot meal is provided to all students every school day in our lunch hall. All meals are served with a sallad buffé and knäckebröd.
Around 70% of the ingredients we use are organically produced, for fruit and vegetables the figure is around 90%. We serve fruit and vegetables according to the season and prepare most of our dishes from scratch, using fresh ingredients.
We follow the National Food Administration nutritional recommendations for schools and pre-schools, as well as the requirements, under the Education Act, for nourishing food in schools.
A vegetarian alternative is served every day as well as a pork-free alternative. The school lunch aims to provide one third of the daily requirement of energy and nutrition. In order to meet the total daily requirement, it is necessary to eat breakfast, a snack between meals, as well as an evening meal.
We provide a complete alternative lunch for those students who, for medical reasons, cannot eat the regular food.
To ensure that your child receives the correct food, we require a doctor’s certificate and for you to complete the online application for special dietary needs.
It is also important that you inform the school restaurant of any changes in your child’s special diet. Please contact the staff at your child’s restaurant if you wish to discuss your child’s special dietary needs.
Contact us
Malmö International School
- E-post:
- Telefon:
- +46 (0)768-56 72 95
- Postadress:
- Malmö stad Malmö International School 205 80 Malmö
- Besöksadress:
- Lingatan 2
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