About kulturskolan
Meet new friends, learn something new, and have fun! Read more about why you should join kulturskolan, Malmö school of arts.

Meet New Friends
Do you want to meet new friends while sharpening your skills? Maybe you want to learn street dance, make films, play an instrument, or produce digital music? Kulturskolan offers about fifty long-term courses, as well as numerous free weekend and holiday activities. Everything takes place after school hours.
Free Activities on Holidays and Weekends
Our free activities are a perfect opportunity to try something new. What's on offer varies from holiday to holiday and can include anything from creating video games, trying out theater, playing the trumpet, writing songs, or drawing.

Apply for Our Courses
We offer both beginner courses and courses for those who already have some experience. Anyone between the ages of 7 and 19 can apply, and we adjust the groups by age as much as possible.
Our long-term courses cost 300 SEK per term and usually start in early autumn. It's also possible to rent instruments for 200 SEK per term.
Keep in mind that there is a long waiting list for some courses, so if you’re interested in something, sign up now!
Friends for Life
At Kulturskolan, it doesn't matter if you already see a career ahead of you or just want to have fun. And don’t forget, besides learning new things, Kulturskolan is also a perfect place to find new friends and communities.
Browse our pages and see what you can find!
See you soon!
Quick Facts
For Whom?
All children and young people between 7 and 19 years old who live in Malmö.
Most courses are at Friisgatan 15B, but we also have courses at several schools in Malmö.
How Much Does It Cost?
A course costs 300 SEK per term. Renting an instrument costs 200 SEK per term. Our weekend and holiday activities are free.
What’s Included in the Fee?
All materials are included in our courses except instruments, sheet music, and dance clothes. Most instruments can be rented from us for 200 SEK per term.
Part of the Cultural Department of Malmö City
The Cultural Department's activities range from ensuring that children and young people have access to cultural life and creative activities to large international art exhibitions, archival issues, extensive museum operations, and libraries, as well as supporting the independent cultural life.
Kontakta oss
Malmö Kulturskola
- E-post:
- kulturskolan@malmo.se
- Telefon:
- 040-34 48 00
- Telefontider:
- Måndag–torsdag klockan 09.00–11.00 och 18.00–20.00. Fredag klockan 10.00–12.00.
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