

Increasing numbers of Malmö residents have a higher education. At the same time, approximately one-third of job-seekers in Malmö lack an education beyond upper secondary school. The percentage of students who are eligible for upper secondary school has increased and the merit rating for students in the 9th grade has increased.

Post-secondary education in Malmö

Since the 2000s, Malmö has had a strong development in the proportion of highly educated compared with Stockholm and Gothenburg. 53,5 percent of Malmö's population has at least 3 years of post-secondary education, an increase of 37.4 percent from the year 2000. The corresponding figure for the whole of Sweden is 29 percent

Merit rating in Malmö

The average merit rating of 223.1 in Malmö's municipal primary schools and the national average merit rating is 219.3. Stockholm has a higher merit rating 243.1 than Malmö. Göteborg's rating is 220.2.

Upper secondary eligibility in Malmö

83.5 per cent of pupils in grade 9 were eligible for upper secondary school for the 2022/23 academic year, an increase of 2.4 percentage points from the previous academic year.

Children in preschool

The chances of being able to take advantage of teaching in primary school are greater among those children who have attended a high-quality preschool. Preschool has the potential to promote social equalization and early investments in preschool yields a high payoff in terms of lifelong learning. For these reasons, it is therefore important that as many children as possible attend a high-quality preschool.

  • The number of municipal preschools for 2022 was 195.
  • The number of children aged 1-5 in municipal preschools in 2022 was 18,887.
  • The proportion of children in municipal preschools 2020 (refers to 1-5 years) was 83 percent.

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