Travel habits of residents
Below is an excerpt from the 2018 travel survey. The survey is a joint effort by Region Skåne, the 33 municipalities of the Scania region, and Trafikverket. The survey is conducted every five years.
Relative to the previous survey from 2013, the share of public transport trips has increased in the Scania region, while the share of car trips has gone down. In Malmö, public transport has increased its share by 5 percentage points, and the share of non-motorized trips (walking or cycling) has increased by 4 percentage points.
How do Malmö residents travel?
In total, 34 percent of trips are made by car, 26 percent by bike, 25 by public transport and 14 percent by foot.
The total sample population is comprised of residents of Malmö municipality between the ages of 16 to 84 years old. 74 percent of the surveyed residents have a driving license and 62 percent have access to a car (mostly or always). 73 percent have access to a bicycle.
The share of individuals with access to a car and bicycle is higher among those living in single family homes (car: 96 percent, bicycle: 81.1 percent) than among apartment residents (car: 60 percent, bicycle: 64.7 percent).
Destinations of Malmö residents
The most common trip destination is home (42 percent), followed by trips to work (18 percent), shopping (8 percent), and recreation or visiting family (8 percent).
The share of trips at 5 kilometers or longer has decreased by 6 percent and is now at 41 percent.
Trips to or from Malmö
The vast majority of the trips initiated in Malmö also end in Malmö, followed by Lund, Svedala and Burlöv.
38 000 people travel daily to work in Malmö from other municipalities, while 18 000 Malmö residents travel to work outside of the city.
110 000 people live and work within Malmö. This generates on average 59 000 trips to work in a day within the city borders.
Travelling and gender
Women as a group are more likely than men to use public transport (20 and 14 percent respectively) and walk (16 and 11 percent), while being less likely to travel by car (29 and 39 percent). The share of bicycle trips is approximately equal between women and men (25 and 26 percent).
Why do we measure mobility?
The travel survey is one of several methods the city uses to gather information on the usage of our infrastructure. To make informed decisions and prioritize projects, it’s important to understand how residents move about and how travelling habits change over time. During the 2018 survey, about 20 thousand residents aged 16-84 years were asked to document their trips and daily travelling habits. Of these, 5 800 people completed the survey.