
RIKC - English

Roma Information and Knowledge Center (RIKC) coordinates issues regarding the national minority of Roma in Malmö municipality.

The aim of RIKC is to, in accordance with the Swedish legislation on minorities, increase participation and influence of the Roma community in society.

The center is a permanent part of Malmö municipality.

This is RIKC

  • A municipal information and knowledge centre which work to increase Roma participation and influence in society.
  • The model involves an internal development of skills in which theory meets practice to develop communicable methods.
  • Educating civil servants in Malmö municipality and employees within other organisations and municipalities.
  • Individual support through a citizens office and through support in meetings with authorities.
  • Roma employees work as extra resource people within municipal units such as schools, social service offices and labour offices as well as governmental agencies for instance Försäkringskassan, Swedish Public Employment Service and Swedish Migrations Agency.
  • The center serves as a platform from which strategic and operative work is organized.
  • The center has a holistic and multidisciplinary approach

Please visit us at RIKC if you would like to have a copy of our broschure.

Citizens office and support

Our citizen office is open Monday–Friday, 08.30–17.00.

At the citizen office, individuals and families can receive help in polish romani and lovari. The community counselors can also understand other varieties of romanes and other languages.

Support at the citizens office

We offer support with information and guidance regarding contact with authorities, filling in forms, translating letters, start an assosciation, and more.

Roma employees also work as extra resource people at schools and social services offices.

Welcome for a drop-in visit, or call if you want to book a meeting.

Knowledge and education

RIKC offers different forms of cooperation and lectures to increase the knowledge regarding the national minority legislation. Some examples are the Roma-Swedish history and living conditions of the Roma people today. These can take form as conferences, seminars or educations opportunities.


RIKC cooperates with the police authority, region south, regarding a mutual action plan. RIKC also highlights days of remembrance and celebration, for example the International Roma day and the Holocaust Remembrance Day.

Through its work, the centre builds a knowledge bank for the work with minority rights.

If you are interested in cooperation or in lectures regarding the national minority of Roma, feel free to contact us.

Action plan

The action plan for the Roma national minority in Malmö aims to increase the involvement and influence of the Roma population in Malmö. This is done in accordance with Swedish legislation on minorities.

The goal is to ensure that the City of Malmö's administrations have the relevant expertise to strengthen the Roma minority's ability to participate on an equal footing with other inhabitants.

Feel free to visit or contact us to get a copy of our annual report.

Advisory Council for the national minority of Roma in Malmö municipality

Malmö Municipality’s Advisory Council for the Roma minority is primarily a consultation, information and referral body, regarding specifically general planning questions which affect the Roma minority’s living conditions within the city of Malmö.

The council consists of both Roma representatives and politicians from Malmö municipality.

The Advisory Council is linked to the municipal government and is coordinated by RIKC.

A strategy to implement national minority rights

RIKC aims to increase the opportunities for cooperation and create a network in order to form and coordinate activities of different organizations based on the principle of equality of all people. RIKC has created a platform in order to deepen the involvement of the Roma people in society, .

National and international legislation and policies are a part of the foundation of which RIKC’s work derives from. One of these is the law (2009:724) regarding national minorities and minority languages, and the Council of Europe's Framework Convention for the Protecion of National Minorities (ETS No.157).

National minorities in Sweden

There are five national minorities with five minority languages in Sweden:

  • Jews and Yiddish
  • Roma and Romani (all varieties)
  • Sami people and Sami
  • Swedish Finns and Finnish
  • Tornedalians and Meänkieli

These groups have lived in Sweden for a long time and are thus a part of the Swedish cultural legacy.

The minority policy in Sweden

The minority policy aims to strengthen the national minorities and provide the required support in order to keep the languages vivid.

The Malmö model

The Malmö model is a concretization of the center's work at different levels. The model is important for establishing trust, credibility, stability and continuity, as well as ensuring that anti-discriminatory practice is carried out on both an individual and structural level.

Inclusion and empowerment

Participation and influence from the Roma minority is a key factor in the work of RIKC. Visitors at the center are seen as our primary resource and experts on the Roma rights issues.

Empowerment of Roma people

The center aims to empower the Roma people to provide their own answers and solutions to their problems. This is one of the ways in which we aim to increase the Roma people’s involvement in society; by acknowledging Roma people as important, experienced and knowledgeable.

If you are interested in reading thet latest annual report of RIKC, please contact us at: rikc@malmo.se

Contact us

For general inquiries, please send an e-mail to rikc@malmo.se.

You'll find us at Norrtäljegatan 6 in Malmö.
