The knowledge economy in Malmö and the Malmö-Lund labour market region

This report is written in English and provides an overview about the development of the knowledge economy in Malmö/Lund/Helsingborg over the past 20 years as well as policy implications.

1) Use the MONA data and track changes in educations (fields and levels), occupations, and industries to show which areas have grown/declined in absolute and relative terms as compared to national figures and as compared to the two other metropolitan regions (labour market Gothenburg / Stockholm).

2) Provide more detailed analysis:

  1. Crossing education/occupation with sector (e.g. public vs private; university/private/public sector)
  2. Investigate wage premiums (which sectors/educations/occupations earn more in Malmö as compared to the other regions)

3) Provide key policy implications drawing on i) our knowledge from conducting the Skåne report on innovation ecosystems for four specialisation areas (advanced manufacturing and materials, tech, food, ESS/Max IV – including a considerable amount of interviews), ii) the empirical insights from 1) & 2) above, and iii) our theoretical knowledge of innovation and entrepreneurship and regional policy.

Exploit the quantitative data (which at the moment reaches up to 2019) and use this together with our theoretical knowledge and knowledge about the innovation ecosystem in the region to bring forward points that we consider relevant for policy makers.

Författare: docent Marcus Grillitsch, Torben Schubert och Magnus Nilsson, CIRCLE, Lunds universitet

Till kunskapsunderlagsrapporten fanns en referensgruppen knuten.

Referensgruppen bestod av följande medlemmar:


Rickard Mosell
Göran Nilsson
Lars Hulgård
Vlora Makolli
Pontus Braunerhjelm
Maureen McKelvey

Region Skåne:

Marie-Louise Lövgren
Wilhelm Ast

Malmö stad:

Marcus Eriksson, arbetsmarknads- och socialförvaltningen
Rikard Vroland, arbetsmarknads- och socialförvaltningen
Niklas Andersson, gymnasie- och vuxenutbildningsförvaltningen
Emma Sandberg, gymnasie- och vuxenutbildningsförvaltningen
Per-Arne Nilsson, miljöförvaltningen
Olle Anderberg, fastighets- och gatukontoret
Marléne Engström, stadsbyggnadskontoret
Ola Andersson, omvärld och näringsliv, stadskontoret
Johanna Östberg, omvärld och näringsliv, stadskontoret
