Siptex is the world's first large-scale facility of its kind. It sorts textiles by color and fiber composition using near-infrared light, which makes it possible to handle large flows and produce textile fractions that are adapted to different recycling processes.
Every year, 4.3 million tonnes of textile waste are landfilled or incinerated in the EU. More than 140,000 tonnes of new textiles are put on the Swedish market, but only just under five percent are recycled as material. Sysav* is about to change that.
A link has been made between textile collection and high-quality recycling. Siptex is the world's first automatic large-scale textile sorting plant, and will change the possibilities for recycling.
Automatic sorting in big scale
Siptex is the world's first large-scale facility of its kind. It sorts textiles by color and fiber composition using near-infrared light, which makes it possible to handle large flows and produce textile fractions that are adapted to different recycling processes.
A new link in the textile value chain
For textile recycling on a larger scale, consistent quality and large volumes are required. Today's manual sorting of textiles can not match the market's need for quality-assured products. Automated sorting is the link that is currently missing between collection and high-quality textile recycling.
Therefore, Siptex will contribute to increased circularity in the textile value chain and strengthen Sweden's position as a pioneer in innovation and circular economy.
Sysav, Sydskånes avfallsaktiebolag is the name of the company and its two wholly-owned subsidiaries, Sysav Industri AB and Sysav Utveckling AB. They are owned by 14 municipalities in southern Skåne: Burlöv, Kävlinge, Lomma, Lund, Malmö, Simrishamn, Sjöbo, Skurup, Staffanstorp, Svedala, Tomelilla, Trelleborg, Vellinge and Ystad.
The parent company’s operations encompass the management and treatment of household waste collected in Sysav’s owner municipalities.
Sysav Industri AB handles industrial and commercial waste, as well as combustible household waste from municipalities and areas outside of Sysav’s owner municipalities.
Contact us
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- 040-34 10 00
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- Vardagar 08.00–17.00
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