Malmö stad


The city of Malmö is growing and gets more and more densified. The overarching goal of the mobility policies in Malmö is that walking, cycling and public transport are the first hand choices for transport of people and goods in the city.

Sweden´s cycle city
Malmö is linked by 560 kilometres of bicycle paths, containing more bicycle pathways than any other Swedish city — in fact even more than its sister-city Copenhagen, famous for its bicycle culture. Bicycling in Malmö is on the rise, increasing steadily over the last decade, with some 26 percent of total transport occurring on a bicycle. In many intersections in Malmö a sensor system has been installed to grant cyclists priority.  As cyclists approach an intersection, which is not already crowded by car traffic, the lights quickly turn green to favour the cyclist. Malmö has also installed special paper baskets designed for cyclists, bicycle tire pumps and bicycle counters along the vast bicycle path system in the city, it’s easy to go by bike in Malmö.

Via mobility management and dialogue with the citizens and stakeholders the travel behaviour have been affected in favour of walking, bicycling and public transport. For example through the popular re-occuring campaign ”No ridiculous car trips in Malmö”.

Public transport
Several policies and programmes have participated to make the buses and local trains operated by Skånetrafiken an even more attractive choice. Such efforts include increasing the frequency of bus transportation, as well as providing special lanes for bus traffic. Additionally, many bus stops now feature real-time displays which accurately shows when the next bus will arrive. Some of the city bus lines in Malmö have reached their maximum capacity and are now being replaced by unique 24 meters CNG/biogas hybrid buses and in the long run by the trams that will be reintroduced in Malmö. The underground railway tunnel City Tunnel connects Malmö’s three main train stations: Malmö Central, Triangle and Hyllie.

Clean vehicles
As the city replaces its older vehicles, it aims to build a fleet comprised 100 percent of green cars.

Contact us

Malmö stads kontaktcenter

040-34 10 00
Vardagar 08.00–17.00

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