Malmö's Film Industry
Half of all film workers and companies in Skåne work in Malmö. There is strong expertise in film production thanks to initiatives such as Tunna Blå Linjen, Bron and Wallander. The industry accommodates the entire span of education and skills levels, which matches Malmö's young multinational population.
490 COMPANIES In 2023, there are approximately 490 limited companies, sole proprietors, trading companies and economic associations in film in Malmö. The corresponding figure for 2018 was 339, meaning a growth of 45 percent.
85 PERCENT This is how much the number of drama series produced has increased globally over the past five years.
300 – 400 PERCENT Much of film and TV series budgets are spent on extra services in the region. For every krona invested, 3–4 SEK is spent, meaning a return of 300–400 percent from invested capital.

Quick facts
- The film area in Malmö has increased in recent years, both in terms of number of employees and number of jobs. Half of all film workers and companies in Skåne are located in Malmö.
- The industry in Malmö has a turnover of 309,355,000 SEK (2022), an increase of 12 percent since 2018.
- More than 2,000 people work in the audiovisual sector, mainly film and TV, in southern Sweden (2020).
What's up in Malmö within the industry?
- Tomorrow's talents are shaped in Malmö at Teaterhögskolan, Musikhögskolan and Konsthögskolan.
- BUFF Malmö Film Festival, an annual international film festival for children and young people in March. Since 1984, it has been the most important screening window for films for children and young people in the Nordic region.
- SVT Barn is largely based in Malmö for its film production,
including SVT’s Sommarlov.
How does the city of Malmö work with this industry?
- Strategic partnership agreement with Film i Skåne, focus on partial financing of film productions carried out in Malmö and/or by Malmö-based production companies.
- Support for BUFF.
- Support for Nordisk Panorama, including their industry events Forum and Market.
- Support for Malmö Arab Film Festival (MAFF) including their industry event MAFF Industry Days.
- Support for M:brane, a meeting place for projects aimed at a young audience. Company profiles The film cluster in Malmö is a diverse crew with many production companies in many different genres. The city stands out with strong expertise in film production and film for children and young people.
Would you like to know more about Malmö's Film Industry?
Contact me:

Caroline B. Le Bongoat
Mobil: +46 (0)709-34 14 01
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