Malmö’s business types: mixed and dynamic
The companies in Malmö represent ten different business types.
The names and companies in each group reflect how these business types are talked about and described today. The business types were created in 2023, and are based on Swedish Standard Industrial Classification (SNI) codes.
Production and manufacture
Companies that produce physical or digital goods in various ways.
Companies that offer services.
Head Offices
Head office operations.
Commerce and e-commerce
Sales of new and second-hand goods, either online or in-store, or both.
Private business in the public sector
Private schools, private care, and other alternatives to the public sector.
Repair, rental and waste management
Companies that recycle, repair, lend and rent out.
Knowledge-intensive companies working on behalf of others.
Artistic work
Artistic, literary or other cultural activities.
Research and development
Companies that carry out and apply new research.
Hospitality and service
Companies that clean, serve food, broker housing or welcome guests.
Do you have questions about Malmö’s business types?
Contact me:

Torsten Blad
Phone: +46 (0)703-506021
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