Malmö stad

Malmö makes the company grow

Malmö was the right strategic choice for the technology company OIM. Great access to expertise, a good business climate and location was crucial for the company's growth.

Choosing Malmö as a base of operations was a straightforward choice for OIM founders Arash Golshenas and Ali Jehanfard when they set up the technology company OIM.

Malmö's infrastructure means they can get to their international customers quickly and with the 17 universities in the Öresund region, they can attract the skills the company needs.

"We're always fighting for talent, so the city culture is important to us to employ the right people here. If we had established ourselves somewhere where the availability of engineers was not as high, it would have taken longer for the company to develop and we would never have been able to work on the projects we have today," says Arash Golshenas.

One of the reasons for setting up in Malmö is the region's muscles. In this region you’ll find outstanding competence, he continues.

The company's name, OIM, stands for One Incredible Management and was started in 2011 at Ali Jehanfard's dining room table. Since then, the company has rapidly grown and consists of over 40 employees. The business idea is to turn an idea into a finished product.

"We help established and unestablished companies to take their idea from a sketch on a napkin to a mass-produced product, we realize ideas. We can help with production as well," says Arash Golshenas.

The tech industry, to which OIM belongs, generates the most innovation in Skåne and is developing more strongly than the national average when it comes to employment, added value and, productivity.

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