Ana María Bermeo

Ana María Bermeo - museologist.
"Art can serve as a meeting place"
- I believe that art can make a difference, that it can function as a meeting place where people can engage with other people's opinions or ways of life. Somehow, these interactions take place in a more intimate and respectful way than they would otherwise. Making art accessible to as many people as possible is something I have always worked towards, at various art and cultural institutions.
- When I worked at the National Museum in Bogotá, it was so clear that the grade school classes from all the widely different economic and social conditions related to art in the same open way. The reactions, analyses, and questions were the same. And as an educator, I saw how important these meetings between people, in an art or cultural context were and thought that it might be a way forward in addressing social injustices.
- The museums' management is still very homogeneous. Most people have a similar background, the same education, and similar work experience. Although the world of culture and art is slowly beginning to change and groups that were not previously represented are gradually beginning to be included, there’s much work that remains.
- There is a self-image in the cultural world that is skewed. It’s basically an image of being curious and receptive to the expressions of others. That self-image becomes a kind of comfort zone and it’s very difficult to successfully question or challenge it. But change is possible and the first step is always to see the structure, realize your place in it, and ask yourself what you can do to change and improve it.
- It is very important that museums and other cultural institutions work with organizations and communities that have been historically marginalized and that feel that their history or life is not represented. It is so important to work together, to listen, and build trust.
- I am optimistic and believe that it is possible to change, to create something new and wonderful. The road there can be painful and difficult. It may be like an earthquake, but afterwards we can build something new together that suits everyone.
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