Maria Dexborg

Maria Dexborg - Afro-Swedish Forum for Justice.
"Here, we and our children are the norm"
- I am a transnationally adopted Afro-Swedish woman with a South Asian background who grew up with whiteness as the norm. When I encountered racism as a child, it wasn’t taken seriously by others. When I became a parent myself, I wanted to show my daughter that you can resist when you encounter racism.
- The Afro-Swedes' Forum for Justice was founded in 2011 and is an association where I have been able to feel at home. With us, both children and adults can grow and develop. Several of us have been fighting the anti-racist struggle for a long time and we work against all forms of racism and discrimination, especially Afrophobia. It is about acquiring knowledge, but also imparting knowledge. We arrange conferences, trainings and engage in opinion formation. Our association is open to everyone, as long as they stand for what we stand for.
- Internally, we work to strengthen each other. Always having to fight takes a toll on one's health. I have been extra involved in our Black unity brunch, where we meet, share meals, create community, and host talks based on themes that affect us in our everyday lives. It is a way to take care of and strengthen each other, a place where our children can be the norm that they may not be used to in the classroom and in the rest of society.
- Within our own group, I’m only met with fellowship, love, and validation. But in other forums, I can be met with passive aggression and even hatred. In our struggle for a better life, it wears on you to be treated with hatred because of your skin colour. It’s about democracy, rights, and equality. We do not want more than others, but the same rights and opportunities in practice as the majority population.
- Many in Malmö are familiar with the Freedom Parade (Frihetsparaden), which we organize every year for October 9th. It is the day of remembrance for when the last enslaved African owned in Sweden became free. The Freedom Parade is cheerful and full of life. It is my hope that it will grow with each passing year. I love the Freedom Parade! Last year, when we marched from Rosengård to Möllevångstorget and I saw all the mothers and children with pride on their faces and holding homemade posters, I felt the full value and significance of our struggle.
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