Victor Schöön

Victor Schöön - CEO at Schööns Måleri.
"The differences enrich our company"
- Our company has always worked long-term and wanted to take advantage of the diversity that the job market offers. We notice that the group dynamics become much better in the company when you get more people from different backgrounds. It enriches us. Of course, the thresholds for this type of development are quite high. There is, for example, a linguistic barrier, but we try to play it down.
- We have employees who are deaf and use sign language and we have new arrivals to Sweden who have not yet learned Swedish. But you have to have an open mind and explain to your customers that this is a painter who does not really know the language but who is damn good at his job. If they can only show what they can do, there is usually no problem. Most customers have patience and understanding.
- And those who work here learn the language in the end. They go to SFI and try to speak as much Swedish as they can when they are at home and they learn a lot by being out and working, and from their colleagues.
- It means so much to get a job and you feel that you’re part of society. We had a guy who started an internship with us and who at first did not speak Swedish very well. But he was good at painting and became a permanent employee. He got an apartment and a driver's license. Then he came and showed off his new car and was so proud. You feel warm all over! It is worth all the work and you want to spread that feeling.
- We have painters who have worked with us for 50 years. They have a knowledge and a professional pride that they want to pass on, regardless of whether it is to girls or to boys or if it’s to someone who comes from Syria or whatever country it may be.
- We are also trying to get more women into the construction industry, which is very male-dominated. 12-13 percent of those who work with us are women. It's above the industry average, but it’s still too low.
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