Elis Hodzic

Elis Hodzic - CEO and founder of FramtidNu.
"All students should be allowed to grow"
- I always had an easy time at school and especially liked mathematics. In the seventh grade, a new boy came to our class who had been expelled from his previous school. We were very different but clicked and started hanging out and studying together. When we finished ninth grade, he received an award from the principal for the highest overall academic improvement. They gave him a certificate and a movie theatre pass. He gave me the theatre pass, saying I deserved it because I’d helped him. I felt that I had made a difference and that this was what I wanted to do.
- I founded FramtidNu just over a year and a half ago and we offer personalized study assistance that’s digital. Everyone who works at FramtidNu is a young person that excels in school. We are driven by the tagline "by young people, for young people".
- We have a project underway that aims to help students from Rosengård. The whole idea of the company is to help as many people as possible. There are math talents everywhere. Talent has nothing to do with economic or social background. I want all students to grow just like my friend did. We need to highlight several good examples from Rosengård. There are role models here in football, but not everyone can and should have to try to become a professional football player.
- Our mission is to uncover as much untapped potential as possible. Everyone wins in that situation. Both the individual students and society. That’s why we are constantly looking for collaborations with different partners, in order to help as many people as possible.
- I notice that FramtidNu doesn’t always get the same opportunities as others because we are young. But just like with anything else in life, there are different ways to look at the same situation. While some doubt young entrepreneurs, there are other fantastic people and companies who are inspired by our work and inspire us to develop further. We choose to focus on them!
- It makes me happy when students who have received help from FramtidNu go from despair to hope. All the satisfied customers and improved school results are proof of our work. We have already helped so many, but this is just the beginning.
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