Anna Heide

Anna Heide - business development manager at Trianon.
"It is profitable to invest in well-being and security"
- Our goal is not only to help people have a roof over their heads but also a home and an area where they can thrive and feel welcome. On the one hand, we build apartments with reasonable rents, but that’s just as important as the wise and sustainable management of those homes and residential areas. They should be safe places for children to play, you should be able to park your car nearby or go down to the laundry room without having to worry.
- In 2011, Trianon bought a portfolio of apartments in Lindängen and began extensive renovations. One thing led to another and it may not have been a stated strategy from the beginning, but pretty soon it became clear that it was profitable to help people get a job and to invest in environmental and climate measures. When we combined our renovations with the social efforts, we reduced the relocation rate from twenty to seven percent per year. What we’ve done in Lindängen has given us twice as much back, so we know that it works. We see it as a good deal for the long-term.
- In the centre of Rosengård, we’ve made an investment in a new grocery store, Bazaar Food Market, which means that we employ 60 people from the area. Those 60 people represent a lot of different cultures and have knowledge that customers demand. It’s a really innovative way of working and we’ve had fantastic results.
- With our sustainable social bond, we have found a new way to finance different types of sustainable investments. We invest the money in creating jobs and security initiatives. We offer young people summer jobs with us at Trianon. We reduce energy consumption and install solar cells and try to contribute so that people want to stay.
- It is very rewarding when we see that something happens. It can be difficult to measure social sustainability. For example, how do you know that homework help is useful? But when we can combine social investments with material investments, then it often becomes concrete and clear. It's very interesting.
- If I were to paint my dream scenario, it would be that more people could enter the labour market in Malmö. With work comes independence but also a much better chance to become part of society. Good schools and good housing are of course very important, and if we get unemployment in order, I think we will solve many of the city's challenges at the same time.
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