Sara Fridh

Sara Fridh - landscape architect and program manager for the city of Malmö's playgrounds.
"Play is not a useless activity"
- A good playground encourages imagination, creativity, and curiosity. It is a place that inspires children to set their own structure and create their own games and worlds. Our goal is to create those kinds of spaces in the city.
- We see playgrounds as important places for children in the city. Play is not a useless activity, it is important and allows us to grow as human beings. The city is for everyone, even the children, so playgrounds are also important from a democracy perspective. They should be meeting places that are free and open, where everyone is welcome. And they should be throughout the whole city, in all areas.
- Playgrounds designed around a theme have become a bit of a symbol for Malmö, which is great. Malmö was one of the earliest cities to have them and has continued to be in the forefront of their development. The theme playgrounds often become places to visit. People come from not only the different parts of Malmö, but also from the rest of Skåne and Sweden. A while ago, I received a very nice email from a grandfather who told me that he and his grandchildren choose a new theme playground to visit every weekend and socialize with the other families. I even heard of a German family who spent their entire vacation going to our theme playgrounds.
- The playgrounds often work very well as meeting places. In many ways, they’re better than, for example, a town square. A playground often gathers people of many different ages and from different parts of the city. It can be a positive gathering point in the district or area.
- Accessibility is very important and something we are constantly trying to improve. The ambition is that there should be something for everyone. We follow the research, stay up to date, and constantly stay in touch with colleagues in other cities.
- The most rewarding part of my work is when I see that it is so appreciated. When you see the children hanging around the construction fence and asking when it will be ready — and, of course, when you see how well-attended the playgrounds are — then it feels like you have done something good that means something and makes a difference to people.
- Think of your favourite place when you were little. The answer is almost always a place that was outdoors and without interference from adults. Children like to explore and discover on their own. A playground can be such a place, where adults can take a step back.
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