Gudrun Lindström

Gudrun Lindström - The association for children, young people and adults with developmental disabilities, FUB.
"I get so much back"
- I met a girl at a Friskis and Svettis athletic club and became her volunteer coordinator. That was well over 30 years ago now. We started doing activities together and thanks to her I joined FUB. We have many different activities such as gym, dance, bingo, senior club, and Sunday café.
- A challenge is to get society to accept our target group and to ensure that there are opportunities for them to participate in various activities. It can be difficult to find premises for us. They have to be easily accessible and good with space for walkers, wheelchairs, and permobiles and then the transport service should be able to find it. It is not so easy to get in everywhere when everything is built according to a certain standard. There are many obstacles you need to overcome, but we are well on our way. Society has changed a lot in the 30 years I have been involved. Acceptance has increased.
- It is such a wonderful group to work with. I get so much back. Leisure time becomes more enjoyable for them and they’re also seen by others, something that’s not so common. But I am not alone, there are several of us who are passionate about this. I could not have helped if I had been alone.
- When I received the City of Malmö’s Eleonora Prize, it was so huge. It was crazy. I’m happy and honoured and it feels like I have succeeded in something. It was written about in the newspapers and lots of people heard about it and wanted to help. They didn’t know that our organisation existed. We need to talk more and inform better, because I think even more people want to help.
- You shouldn’t have preconceived notions about people. Everyone should be accepted for who they are. Everyone has something unique. Some may hide it, but it comes out in the end anyway. I have learned so much about life and the way I look at life. It's the little things that matter. To be able to enjoy everyday things like meeting someone for coffee to talk a little and exchange experiences. A nice and unpretentious friendship. I have made so many great friends who really care.
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