Omid Mahmoudi

Omid Mahmoudi - founder of Ensamkommandes Förbund.
"We needed an association that represented us"
- I came to Sweden from Afghanistan when I was 16 years old. That same year I started the Association of Unaccompanied Minors (Ensamkommandes förbund). There were many organisations that wanted to help, but none of them were started or run by unaccompanied minors themselves. So I went around to different homes and encouraged other young people that we should start something of our own, we needed an association that represented us. Nobody knows our challenges or strengths like ourselves.
- Another important reason was that I noticed that groups quickly arose among us unaccompanied minors. Even though we lived under the same roof, everyone from Afghanistan ended up in a group, the Somalis in a group and that bothered me. We had the same goals and challenges and there should be no "us and them". With a common association, I felt that we could break that and instead become strong together and learn from each other's backgrounds and cultures.
- In Malmö, we have about 60 participants every day and 27 activities every week. We want to equip the young people, help them with homework and inspire them. We organise football, swimming and other activities. An important task is also our preventive work. Our young people are very vulnerable, many are homeless and risk falling into drug abuse and crime. We need to get young people into Swedish society faster, among other things by connecting them with established families.
- We get many positive reactions to our work, and many notice the good work we do. At the same time, we are fighting against headwinds. The political mood and people's minds have changed. All this has affected the health of young people. The future will be decided by politicians. If they see the problem and implement the right reforms, then our young people can become part of Swedish society and a great asset.
- The dream is, firstly, that no one should have to flee their homeland. Then, I wish that all the young people who have come to Sweden and settled here will have a chance to contribute to society instead of being sent back and ending up in the clutches of the Taliban or IS.
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