
Funding (in English)

The City Office is responsible for raising funds and act as an internal bank for the municipal departments and muncipal held companies that are members of the internal bank. All external funding and investments are managed by the internal bank with the City Office.

Rules and regulations

The possibility for the internal bank to take up loans is governed by a financial policy of the city. This policy is decided upon by the City Board acting on behalf of the City Council. The duties of the internal bank should be carried out in a safe and non-speculative way and in line with existing laws, municipal right and the legal principles of the EU. The operations shall be characterized by high competence and good risk management. By acting proactively towards the capital market, the internal bank creates rational ways to manage risks and streamlining funding.


The overarching goals of the financial management within the city is to contribute to sound economic management (god ekonomisk hushållning) through:

  • Making sure the ability to pay is always there and providing access to capital.
  • Within the frameworks of the above: strive to achieve best possible financial result.
  • Make efficient use of economies of scales within the municipal group for funding, payments, cash management and other financial services.

Credit rating

The City of Malmo has contracted Standard & Poor's since 2011 in order to get a credit rating. Since 2011 the City of Malmö has had the highest long term credit rating of AAA/Stable nad A-1+ which is the highest credit rating loans with shorter maturities.

The credit rating reflects the rapidly growing local economy and from the fact that the city is positioned in the Öresund region, strong management with a clear history of budget disciplin, small debt which is supported a strong liquidity position.

Capital markets program

The City of Malmö is funding is managed through it’s capital markets programs listed below and also through loans and bank facilities from banks with good credit rating.

Euro Medium Term Note (EMTN)

Arrangör: Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB
Dealers: Barclays Bank PLC, Danske Bank AS, London Branch, DNB Bank ASA Sweden Branch, Nordea Bank Denmark A/S, Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB, Svenska Handelsbanken AB , Swedbank AB
Program Size: SEK 25 billions
Term: More than 1 year
IPA: Citibank, N.A.n London Branch
Listing: Euronext Dublin

Euro Commercial Paper (ECP)

Arrangör: Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB
Dealers: Barclays Bank PLC, Citibank Europe PLC UK Branch, ING Bank N.V., Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB
Program size: SEK 5 billions
Term: less than 1 year
IPA: Deutsche Bank AG

Commercial Paper (CP)

Arrangör: Swedbank AB
Dealers: Danske Bank A/S, DNB Markets, Nordea bank AB, Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB, Svenska Handelsbanken AB, Swedbank AB
Rambelopp: SEK 5 billions
Term: up to 1 year
IPA: Swedbank

Sustainable bond issuance

The City of Malmö has a framework for green bonds. The first green bond was issued in 2018. The investments financed with the city of Malmö’s green bonds will contribute to the transformation to a fossil-free society, reduced greenhouse gas emissions and sustainable development in Malmö. These investments will also contribute to protecting, adapting and improving resilience to climate change. Environmentally friendly investments, such as initiatives that increase biodiversity in the city are also financed with the green bonds. A yearly report on the environmental aspects of the investments according to the green bond framework is published by the city of Malmö.

Since 2023, the City of Malmö also has a framework for social bonds. According to the City of Malmö's framework for social bonds, a socially sustainable investment aims to prevent, counteract, reduce or solve a specific and limited social challenge for one or more vulnerable target groups. By improving the living conditions of these groups, the investments can contribute to increased equality and increased quality of life for Malmö residents. The City of Malmö is now working to identify investments that meet the requirements of the framework.

The framework for social bonds complements the City of Malmö's framework for green bonds. Together, the two frameworks helps to show how the City of Malmö's investments contribute to all of the global goals of Agenda 2030.

Annual reports

Contact us

Malmö stads kontaktcenter

040-34 10 00
Vardagar 08.00–17.00