
Language introduction – gymnasium school for recent arrivals

Language introduction (Språkintroduktion) is an educational course for those aged 16–20 years who have recently arrived in Sweden. Here you will not only study a lot of Swedish, but also other subjects, such as mathematics, social studies, art and sports. You will also receive study guidance in your native language.

The length of time you will need to complete the language introduction varies from person to person, but there is a maximum limit of 4 years. The aim of the course is that you will be able to progress to further studies at gymnasium school, to adult education or to enter working life. You can choose whether you wish to study the language introduction course at a municipal or an independent gymnasium school.

For young adults with intellectual impairments, there are gymnasium schools for pupils with learning disabilities, where the education they receive will include adapted support.

Student care

Teachers are not the only people who work at a school – there are also counsellors, school nurses and study/career guidance officers (SYV). Students can contact these resources in various situations.

A student can contact a counsellor if, for example, they need:

  • an adult to talk to.
  • help to resolve a difficult situation, such as feelings of loneliness, school fatigue or bullying.
  • financial advice
  • help and advice concerning contact with public authorities – e.g. social services, the Swedish Board of Student Finance (CSN).

School nurses perform health checks, and provide health-related advice and discussions.

Study/career guidance officers provide students with information about different educational studies or potential occupations.

Study allowance

For full-time studies of language introduction or at gymnasium school, you can receive a study allowance from CSN. The study allowance is a financial grant that can be paid up until the spring term of the year of your 20th birthday. To receive the study allowance, you must first submit an application. Your school will be able to help you with this.

If your family has a low income, you can apply for a supplementary allowance. Ask at your school for help with the application. Eligibility for the extra supplement is based on the family’s income.

Payment of the study allowance is linked to your attendance at school. If you have a high rate of absence, you may lose the allowance.
