
Culture and leisure

There are lots of things to do in Malmö. Perhaps you would like to get out in the fresh air and experience the natural surroundings, learn to swim or take part in sports together with others, or perhaps you would rather visit a library or a museum, or go to the theatre?


There are 13 libraries within the City of Malmö. There you can borrow books and films, in several different languages, without charge. You can also visit the library in order to use their computers or WiFi connection, attend their language cafés or read the newspaper.

Art and museums

At Malmö’s museums and art institutions, you can experience art and exhibitions on themes including history, nature, technology, seafaring and culture, from all around the world.

Meeting places

People of all ages can participate in or organise a variety of cost-free activities at Malmö’s various meeting places.

Allaktivitetshus activity centres

There is an Allaktivitetshus activity centre at Lindängeskolan, Hermodsdalsskolan and Apelgårdsskolan. Here, children, teenagers and adults can take part in fun and rewarding activities – every day, and free of charge.

Activity calendar for local associations

There are many different associations in Malmö, representing many different leisure interests.

Some of these organisations advertise their activities in an activity calendar on informationsverige.se.
