
Studies for adults

Komvux Malmö offers a range of courses for adults who want to study. At Komvux, you can study courses at compulsory school level or gymnasium school level, a variety of occupational courses, or you can study the Swedish language course for immigrants (SFI).

All courses and study programmes at Komvux are free of charge. You will, however, have to pay for your own books and other study materials. Certain course books can also be borrowed from a library.

SFI – Swedish language for immigrants

SFI (Svenska för invandrare) is a language course for adult immigrants. The objective is that you will gain a working knowledge of Swedish that will enable you to cope in everyday situations and at work.

You can study SFI if you are registered as living in Malmö and cannot speak, read or write Swedish to a good standard. If you already know Norwegian or Danish, you are not eligible to study SFI.

Compulsory school level

If you lack knowledge from compulsory school, you can apply to study courses at a compulsory school level.

Gymnasium school level

At gymnasium school level, you can study an entire occupational programme, or a particular course if you lack certain knowledge from your previous studies at gymnasium level.

Lärvux or special education

Lärvux offers adult education for those aged over 20 years who have learning difficulties due to impaired development or brain injury. At Lärvux, you can study courses at both compulsory school level and gymnasium school level. You can also study an adapted form of the Swedish language course for immigrants, SFI.


An yrkeshögskola offers higher vocational education, and you can apply if you have a diploma from a gymnasium school. The yrkeshögskola offers programmes that have been developed in conjunction with employers. If you are admitted to a place at an yrkeshögskola, you are entitled to apply for a student loan from the Swedish Board of Student Finance (CSN).

If you have any questions about adult education

The City of Malmö has study and career guidance officers. They can help you if you have any questions about working or studying. They can also help with questions about Komvux.
