Malmö stad

Safe Relationships – Free from Violence (engelska)

We want you and your family to feel good

Someone is concerned that there is violence in your relationship, and so the police have visited your home.

You are not alone. Many people live in relationships that involve violence. This violence affects the whole family, including children and friends. Criminal and violent behavior within a relationship can include threatening, hitting, kicking, pushing, controlling, raping, sexually assaulting, abusing and persecuting, and damaging your partner’s property.

Safe Relationships – Free from Violence is a collaboration between the police, the social services in Malmö and the Prison and Probation Service.

We are working together to put an end to domestic violence.

  • We do not tolerate violence.
  • We do not want loved ones to come to harm.
  • We do not want children to grow up with violence in the family.
  • Help is available.

We are here for you, and we offer the help you need to live safely in your relationship and in a family environment free from violence. We offer family counselling, conversational support, and help with substance abuse, housing and finances. We offer protection in the event of an emergency.

We have contacts with organisations all over Malmö that also offer help.

Call us – we are here for you!

We respond around the clock.

For advice or to report a crime

Call the police 114 14

For advice or to seek help

Call social services 040-34 69 00

Support lines for those subjected to violence

Women’s helpline 020-50 50 50 50

Men’s helpline 020-80 80 80 80

Transgender helpline 020-55 00 00

Support line for perpetrators of violence

Choose to stop 020-555 666

Safe relationships – Free from Violence pdf

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