The City of Malmö EU-Office in Brussels
The City of Malmö's EU representation in Brussels is a service body for the City of Malmö´s different departments. The office is located in the heart of the EU institutions and is permanently manned by the City Office. The office is part of the City of Malmö's International Policy and will meet the goals of business development, strategic impact/lobbying and PR. The priorities are governed by the municipal budget, the municipal overall goals and an annual action plan. The office also accepts interns from universities and secondments from the municipality own departments.
The main tasks the representation in Brussels is to conduct are the following:
- Monitor EU funds and programs
- Establish and develop contacts
- Assist with project applications
- Develop project ideas in collaboration with the departments
- Lobbying and monitoring EU policy
- Promote the City of Malmö and Malmö's interests
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