Malmö stad


Research and Innovation Council in Skåne (FIRS) was formed in March 2010 in order to create better conditions for research and innovation in Region Skåne by increasing and intensifying the interaction between the political and public sector, academia and industry. Malmö's representative is the mayor Katrin Stjernfeldt Jammeh (S).

FIRS have representatives from the management level in Region Skåne, universities and colleges, municipalities, Skåne Association, trade and industry. FIRS are organized by a written agreement between the parties. Region Skåne is responsible for the administration and secretariat.In the context of establishment of FIRS, the parties agreed to take the main responsibility for the process of restructuring the research, innovation and business that needed to be done in Region Skåne, following the decision to relocate the organization of AstraZeneca's operations in Lund, as the need for a strategic dialogue with the company and with regional, national and international actors were great.As a result of the cutbacks at Sony Mobile and Ericsson, FIRS were also responsible for the process of the cluster initiative Mobile Heights and operated as a central party in the dialogue between industry and the public sector.An important role of FIRS is to pursue initiatives that will strengthen and develop the common development conditions for innovation. FIRS will act as a unifying force, a common voice for the region's assets, needs and opportunities and will serve as a strategic management function and systemic strategic umbrella. FIRS act as a forum for discussions between industry, academia, municipalities/towns, Region Skåne and the national / international level where regional as well as national and international efforts are coordinated.The city of Malmö is responsible for the work under the priority area “Smart Cities”.

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Ola Yndeheim


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