Malmö stad
Hylliebadet är ett äventyrsbad med familjedel, motionsbanor, relaxavdelning och mycket mer.

Hylliebadet in english

En bild på Hylliebadet.

Hylliebadet - Malmö's modern, energy efficient and flexible family bath house was inaugurated in 2015. A fresh and open floor plan with interior in stylish design welcomes everyone to a new and enjoyable bathing experience.

Hylliebadet is something for everyone

The 7,000-square-foot bath is carefully planned to accommodate visits by families with children, exercisers and school classes. The flexible bathhouse design means, among other things, that you can divide basins, inflate obstacle courses and raise and lower the basins. Here you can also supplement your visit to the bath with group training, gym and a visit to the relaxation department. Hylliebadet is a meeting place that offers a complete wellness facility. Here is something for everyone!

Learn to swim

Creating opportunities for the city's young people to learn to swim has been an important part of the construction of the Hylliebadet. The ambition is that all the city's schoolchildren should be able to swim after leaving primary school.

Security and service

Inside the swimming area, the pools are always supervised by professional bath hosts. The staff performs a number of regular activities together with the visitors such as obstacle course competitions, water gymnastics, ball activities, water games and more.

Contact us


040-34 26 50
Hyllievångsvägen 20

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