Augustenborg Eco-City
Ekostaden Augustenborg is the collective name for a program to make Augustenborg into a more socially, economically and environmentally sustainable neighbourhood. Ekostaden Augustenborg, one of Sweden´s largest urban sustainability projects, was supported by the government´s Local Investment Programme and also financed by key local partners within Malmö City and the MKB housing company.

Ekostaden is working within the residential area of Augustenborg in Malmö, Sweden, as well as with the school, industrial area and other local businesses. One of the key aims of the project is to enable residents to take a leading role in the ideas, design and implementation of the project.
The project was launched in 1998 and the results so far indicate that Augustenborg has become an attractive, multicultural neighbourhood in which the turnover of tenancies has decreased by almost 20 % and the environmental impact has decreased to a similar degree.
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