
The City of Malmö has a target of reducing car journeys by Malmö residents to 30%. Västra Hamnen’s long-term objective is for walking, cycling and public transport to account for at least 75% of residents’ journeys and 70% of journeys to work by 2031.
Initiatives on a broad front
Sustainable travel primarily involves measures related to physical planning and influencing behaviour, with travel being integrated in the planning of an area or a new installation. To achieve the objective, work is required on several different levels, involving both influencing behaviour and creating good physical conditions for people to choose to walk, cycle or take public transport.
Part of this involves influencing travel before it has started. The City of Malmö works with concepts such as mobility management, where information, communication and partnerships with various operators give people knowledge and opportunities to try new means of transport.
Successful pilot projects with car and cycle pools have been implemented in partnership with developers and property owners. There are plans for new cycle bridges linking Västra Hamnen to the inner city. MalmöExpressen has meant a massive improvement in comfort and capacity for travel by bus to and from Västra Hamnen and preparations are being made for future tram links.
Contact us
Malmö stads kontaktcenter
- E-post:
- Telefon:
- 040-34 10 00
- Telefontider:
- Vardagar 08.00–17.00
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